This week in Other Barks & Bites: The Federal Circuit affirms a win for Sierra Wireless at the Patent Trial and Appeal Board in a precedential ruling on Friday; Google launches a program to watermark AI-generated images; the CAFC affirms a PTAB ruling that invalidated a patent that claimed technology related to Meta’s News Feed; and an economic consultancy firm releases a report that argues rule changes to the IPR system could cost the U.S. economy nearly half-a-billion dollars.
Recent Posts
- USPTO Fee Report: Discounts Don’t Cut It for Incentivizing New Patent Participants
- Federal Circuit Splits on Whether Toddler Tub May Infringe
- CAFC Rules Patent Applications are Considered Pre-AIA Prior Art By Filing Date, Not Publication Date
- The Biden Administration Rolls the Dice on NIH Patent Licensing
- The PTAB’s 70% All-Claims Invalidation Rate Continues to Be a Source of Concern