What makes SCOTUS’s assertions in patent law jurisprudence that there are these “exceptions” or additional “requirements” particularly annoying to many of us in the patent bar is that patent law is essentially statutory. In other words, there should be no “federal common law of patents” that allows SCOTUS (or any other court for that matter) to make “exceptions” to or make additional “requirements” for what is already expressly written in the patent statutes. Indeed, in other areas of federal law, SCOTUS has made it abundantly clear that “federal common law” doesn’t exist. The most famous example is Erie v. Tompkins where SCOTUS overturned its prior view of a “federal common law” applicable in cases involving diversity jurisdiction. So we in the patent bar may rightly ask: why does SCOTUS believe it can create what is, in essence, a “federal common law of patents” to supplant or modify the existing patent statutes?
The post Why is SCOTUS Creating a Federal Common Law of Patents? appeared first on IPWatchdog.com | Patents & Patent Law.
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